Module Getters Mutations Actions
Copy class CartModule extends Module {
String get name => 'cart';
final Map<String, dynamic> state = {
'fetchingItems': false,
'items': [],
final List<Getter> getters = [
final List<Mutation> mutations = [
final List<Action> actions = [
Copy class IsCartEmptyGetter extends Getter {
String get name => 'isEmpty';
call({Map<String, dynamic> state, Map<String, dynamic> rootState, getter, rootGetter}) {
return (state['items'] as List).isEmpty;
class IsFetchingGetter extends Getter {
String get name => 'isFetching';
call({Map<String, dynamic> state, Map<String, dynamic> rootState, getter, rootGetter}) {
return state['fetchingItems'];
Copy class UpdateCartItemsMutation extends Mutation {
void call(Map<String, dynamic> state, payload) {
state['items'] = payload;
class UpdateFetchingStatusMutation extends Mutation {
void call(Map<String, dynamic> state, payload) {
state['fetchingItems'] = payload;
Copy class FetchCartItemsAction extends Action {
Future<void> call(CommitFn commit, Map<String, dynamic> state, [dynamic params]) async {
commit('/cart/UpdateFetchingStatusMutation', true);
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 250));
final items = ['fake-item'];
commit('/cart/UpdateFetchingStatusMutation', false);
commit('/cart/UpdateCartItemsMutation', items);
Copy class MyStore extends Store {
MyStore() : super(
modules: [
Using features from the module
All the features can be used as quite as the previously ones, the unique difference now, is that you need to pass the namespace as prefix. Your namespace will be the path for your module